Pl Sql Developer For Mac

Launch SQL Developer. Navigate to menu Tools-Preferences, then select item Code Editor - PL/SQL Syntax Colors in the left pane. Select theme in the 'Scheme' drop down list on the top. See original instructions providing by Ozmoroz. Hello, I have to use pl/sql developer for a project and was wondering if anyone had any good mac alternatives? I've been trying oracle sql developer and it's not very mac-like. This is for oracle database work. DBeaver - Universal Database Manager and SQL Client. DBeaver is free and open source. Installing a SQL client is simple. Just download Oracle SQL Developer. Getting a database is a different story. Don't even try to install Oracle on a Mac. I'm an Oracle database administrator with years of experience and that idea scares me. When I need an Oracle database locally I use sath89/oracle-12c on Docker for Mac.

Pl Sql Developer For Mac Os

Pl sql developer macro

Pl Sql Developer Allround Automations

  • In the Connection Name field, enter the name to use for this database connection.

  • In the Username field, enter the name of the user for whom this database connection is being created.

  • In the Password field, enter the password for the user.

  • In the Connection Type field, select the database connection type.

    The connection types are:

    • Basic

    • TNS

    • LDAP

    • Advanced

    • Local/Bequeath

    When you choose a connection type, the fields below will change to be appropriate for the selected connection type. This example describes the fields for the Basic connection type.

  • In the Role field, select Default or SYSDBA, based on the role assigned to the user.

  • In the Hostname field, enter the name of the host where the database is located.

  • In the Port field, enter the port for the database.

  • In the SID field, enter the SID for the database (when the database connection is for a non-CDB user or for a multitenant container database (CDB) user):

    Description of the illustration GUID-42521A45-5708-403F-979B-A791D031399F-default.gif

    When a database connection to a non-CDB or CDB is created for an administrative user such as SYS, SYSDBA is typically specified in the Role field for the connection.

  • In the Service name field, enter the service name for the pluggable database (PDB), including the domain name (when the database connection is for a PDB user):

    Description of the illustration GUID-007A1734-2B18-45D2-9AAB-CC308C72D069-default.gif

    When a database connection to a PDB is created for an administrative user such as SYS, SYSDBA is typically specified in the Role field for the connection.